Top 10 B-Schools in ##CItyName##

Virtuous Reviews features a ranking of top universities for business and management in Mississauga. Here is a list of top 10 business schools in Mississauga from which you can find the best MBA programs for you.

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A business school is a university-level institution that confers degrees in business administration or management. Such a school can also be known as a school of management, school of business, school of business administration.

This original business school ranking, which showcases only the finest business schools of Mississauga, is grounded on a heavy research and expert’s opinions. Reviews are also based on the approach which reflects academic reputation and research impact highlighting world-class institutions spread across Mississauga.

Our highly dedicated team at Virtuous Reviews has created this list to showcase the strengths in the business and management field around Mississauga. Harvard was the leading Institute to issue a Masters of Business Administration in 1908 and started the trend of MBA degree all over Mississauga. With the changing time, its international counterparts are catching up. This has led to the advantage of a global experience and the entire credit for this goes to classes and professors with varied international backgrounds.

B-Schools these days are the status pointers for the best of academics and employers. Click on our website and go through the complete list for the top B-schools which are worth your attention and definitely provide the best return on investment for their graduates.

How to choose the best b-schools?

While choosing the best b-school for you consider the following factors-

  • Student and alumni network - Look at the profile of students in terms of professional experience, cultural background, and gender, as classmates can also contribute to your learning and form part of your network. Taking a long-term view, find out how active and widespread the alumni group is as you may want to draw on this network in future. Alumni can provide valuable careers information and advice and can help raise funds for that startup you have in mind.
  • Academic community - Discover more about the diversity and caliber of the faculty, plus their expertise and achievements. Ask whether they are practitioners who can give you in-depth knowledge of a company or industry. Learn which teaching methods a school uses, such as live case studies and consultancy projects with companies.
  • Location and costs - If you intend to study overseas, work out whether the cost of living is manageable. Consider whether you enjoy the bustle of a city or prefer to study somewhere with fewer distractions. Large cities are often home to a range of companies, which means access is easier to business leaders and venture capitalists.
  • Global experience - Employers often seek international experience and there are plenty of options to broaden your horizons. Studying and undertaking internships abroad can improve your understanding of job markets. Consider schools that have overseas partnerships.
  • Reputation - There are various ways to assess a school’s reputation. One is to check whether it is accredited by an internationally recognized body.
  • Careers - Check out the school’s employment record and see what sort of jobs, sectors, and countries graduates go to. Investigate the reputation of the careers service and the support available, such as one-to-one career coaching, and whether this is also open to alumni in the long term.
  • Programme format - Among the many options are general and specialized courses, one- and two-year MBA programs and joint degrees. It is also essential to check that the core curriculum and electives meet your requirements


  • High-impact learning experiences tailored to your company's needs.
  • Highly experienced faculties and world class facilities are provided.
  • Offer full- and part-time MBA programs, as well as master's, bachelor's, and joint degree programs that are entrepreneurial in spirit and global in orientation.
  • You can take executive education classes.
  • Offers a wide range of options to do specialization on.


  • Provide hands-on guidance, career-building tools, and access to an extensive network of students, alumni, and employers around the globe.
  • You will get strategic business skills and top shelf communication skills.
  • Exposure:- You will get highly exposed to real business not much academics but the real thing.