NoSQL Database Models Reviews
Find the list of top 10 NoSQL Database Models here at Virtuous Reviews. The list is arranged in preferential order so that you can find best one at the top. Read the overview provided below to gain insights about the features of various NoSQL database models.
What is a NoSQL database model?
We generally use databases stored in sheets with multiple rows and columns. The database models become too much decked up that it becomes very hard to manage these files. Additionally, traditional relational databases do not function better when we take distributed systems in account. Distributed systems are generally used in the environment where high storage availability and speed is required. NoSQL functions very well when taken in operation in a distributed system. These systems are very much efficient in handling large data loads. The distinction between traditional method and NoSQL is data model.We at Virtuous Reviews evaluate the performance of each and every software application sio that we can come up with best ones available in the market. Let's grab a look at the features and benefits.
- Replace multiple rows and columns with a document storage model.
- Usage of data modes, edges and properties.
- Key is required to update and modify data.
- Highly scalable with distributed systems
- Bears high data loads
- Functions fast
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