Contractors that build roads and other infrastructure projects have specialized needs for their industry. Heavy/Highway contractors succeed or fail by managing unit costs, equipment, and labor requiring a system specific to heavy construction that has the ability to do equipment and unit productivity costing, as well as strong tracking for labor, equipment, and materials.
Heavy/highway or construction software is designed to meet some special requirements of contractors in the road, highway and civil construction industries. This involves site work, roads, highways, bridges, dams, tunnels, and utilities, as well as materials suppliers.
So, our team at Virtuous Reviews focuses on all the above aspects to rate the software. This software is a system which fulfils almost all the requirements of the contractors and builders hence it should be efficient enough. Looking into the criticality of the system Virtuous Reviews researches every tiny detail related to it.
Our team is working from a very long time and has been successful in winning the trust of many prominent companies. If you are a contractor or a builder then you will also need a system which can offer you help in every process without any mistake or damage. So what are you waiting for, remove your confusion and visit our list of ratings and reviews.
How to choose the right heavy/highway software?
Highway or bridge contractors and heavy or civil contractors need CMS to make sure they have the best equipment management possible. They also need tools for their fieldwork and integration of services.
Here is what you have to look for in construction management software-
- Payroll - It helps in automatic filing of taxes, new employees on-boarding and provides you an overall view of your cashflow.
- Progress Reporting - It gives you regular reports of your project’s progress. This will help you assess your budget, project range and schedule management.
- Change Order Management - It will help you stay on track on the project until the completion date, even if there are any changes. It will provide the solution for any changes in the project.
- Document Management - It tracks and manages online documents and categorizes for easier documentation.
- Project Management - It provides the specifications of your project including the objectives, processes, skills, methods, outcomes and benefits that are used in the project.
- Subcontract Management - It finds any person not part of the company and hires them to the project.
- Resource Management - It deploys and distributes the company’s resources to where it is needed. These resources include inventory, workforce, production resources, financial resources and IT.
- Project Collaboration - It offers everyone involved in the project to collaborate to plan, communicate and work on the project as quick as possible.
- Equipment Cost per Hour - Accurate hourly costs are needed to make buy-sell-rent decisions for each piece of equipment. The software handles equipment as its own profit and loss statement. The equipment cost system tracks each element of hourly cost. Fuel, major repairs, maintenance costs, depreciation, and other costs are tracked through the accounting system. Payroll, accounts payable, and inventory post to the equipment module with one entry.
- Unit Costing for Heavy Highway Contractors - Using unit costs is the best method of measuring job performance for an equipment-oriented contractor. Since most Heavy Highway contractors estimate by the unit, job cost should track the actual unit cost against the estimate. Having unit costs gives the project manager better tools to work with. Throughout the job, the project manager can compare the actual rate of unit production with the estimated rate.
- Major Equipment Repair History - Tracking repair costs is very important to the equipment-oriented contractor. The buy-sell-rent decision is difficult to make if major repair costs aren’t known. The software’s equipment cost module is fully integrated with accounting. This means all costs are posted to the equipment’s major repair file. The mechanics payroll is automatically posted to the equipment detail records with one entry. Parts and supplies are posted from accounts payable and inventory systems. You’re able to keep track of equipment costs accurately with no extra work.
- Scheduled Equipment Maintenance - Preventive maintenance can save thousands of dollars of major repairs on heavy equipment, and the software makes it simple to prepare maintenance schedules. As equipment hours are posted, the system is updated and notifies the mechanic of upcoming maintenance.
- Payroll for Heavy Highway Contractors - The software makes preparing payroll for a heavy highway contractor easy. You can enter payroll information for operators at the same time as you enter equipment usage. This saves duplicate key entries from another subsystem . It also makes it easy for payroll operators to get their time entered on one screen. Units completed can be entered on the same screen.
- Enhanced process efficiency - Simplified workflows and data sharing
- Achieve greater profitability - Track a project’s progress and find out about issues sooner
- Gain more transparency - Access equipment information and how jobs are performing
- Meet changing technology needs of every department - Customize menus and forms and add new features and functionality
- Quickly build reports - job costs, job progress, billings, and more
- Enjoy flexibility to grow as your business grows