Top Table Tennis Lessons in Chester

Popular Table Tennis Lessons

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VirtuousReviews provides you with the list of top Table tennis Training Classes in Chester that aims to meet all your needs and requirements effectively. Table tennis is a racquet and ball game played on a tennis court resembling a wooden table. The tables are 2.5 feet high, 9 feet long and 5 feet wide. Players have to stand the side of the table facing each other. A small net is present in between.

Only during the service, a player is required to bump the ball in both the sides. Only then it is considered as a legal serve. In case, the ball touches the net but still makes it to the other side, and is a correct ball. Service is commenced again. Although during the game if that happens, it is a plus point.

To play Table tennis, the foremost requirement is to grip. The grip is the way you hold your bat. That’s your Grip. There are three techniques, using which you can Grip:-

  • Penhold
  • Shakehand
  • Seemiller

In table tennis, the chances of scoring a point are rather too many. You can score a point when:-

  • The opponent cannot make a contact with the ball
  • The opponent strikes a ball twice, mid-air
  • The ball bounces anywhere but your side of the table
  • Opponent shakes or moves the table

Also, there are multiple segments of games, you can select to play

  • Single Player
  • Double Player

Double Player Table Tennis

In a table tennis doubles match, there are very few changes in rules as such

  • Diagonally opposite players (by formation), play against each other
  • As one player takes a shot, he has to clear the table for his teammate to join. Then, come back and take his shot, as well.
  • In a service, players can only serve diagonally to the other half of the other side.

Common Factors related with Climbing and other sports too

  • Competition:- According to Sports Accord, every sport must have a competitiveness attached to it. That means, there should be a winner and a loser in every match. There are a few sports where ties are allowed, as well. But the most of the Sports have invented tie-breaking methods to ensure a victory. So, there is always a person losing the match.
  • Sportsmanship:- Sportsmanship can be described as a feeling of compassion, love, and respect that every sportsman share with another. These are the basic characteristics of a human being, that Sportsmanship emphasizes and people do not. It enables them to grace both, the defeat and the victory.
  • Cheating:- To ensure fair play in a sport, set of rules are made by a dedicated association. When a player breaks these rules to take advantage over the other player, or for an ulterior motive, is called Cheating. Players may cheat for so many personal benefits, like money or fame. In most of the sports where cheating is essentially intentional, such activities generally have a zero-tolerance policy.
  • Doping and Drugs:- Catching a player while cheating, got easier with time. The Players then started moving to drugs and chemicals, which enhances human capabilities. To mix doping with sports is considered illegal. With the use of certain drugs, the players are now able to perform more efficiently, till the effects last. But as soon as the association finds out, they’re out.
  • Violence:- Competitions and Violence always go hand in hand. Violence has always been involved in sports. It can also be seen as a major factor, which attracted people towards the Sports, at the first place. Classic Humans, right? New methods are always being developed to omit the Violence from sports. But foul practices and extreme cheating generally result in violence between the sports personalities.