Best Lutheran Church in Atlanta

Lutheran parochial education has more than 125 years of rich heritage in the United States. The Lutheran Church--Missouri Synod has over 1,300 early childhood education centers in operation in all 50 ... Read more

When eight-year-old Hawraa’s family first came to the United States, she was immediately enrolled in school, but she struggled to keep up with her peers. LSG helped her mother coordinate with pe ... Read more

Cross of Life is a vibrant, growing, Christian community of faith focused on proclaiming the Gospel of God’s grace to all people. We currently have over 600 members coming from across the US and ... Read more

Emmanuel Lutheran Church is a multi-cultural community of believers in Jesus Christ. We have our roots in the Lutheran tradition and are part of the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America. We have bee ... Read more

St. John's Lutheran Church was organized July 25, 1869 as Die Deutsche Luterische Germeinde (The German Lutheran Congregation) and is the oldest Lutheran church in Atlanta. The first services wer ... Read more

Lutheran Church of the Ascension is a community formed by Christ in Baptism and gathered around the Word of God, prayer, and the Lord’s Supper. Through His Church, Jesus seeks to draw all people ... Read more

Welcome to St. Luke Lutheran Church in Atlanta, Georgia. We are a community that loves and serves God, each other, and our neighbors, no matter how near or far. We invite everyone to become part of th ... Read more

Established in 1922, Grace is one of the oldest Lutheran congregations in Georgia. Considered the mother church of Missouri Synod Lutherans in Atlanta, 14 of the area congregations were born out of Gr ... Read more

Mission Statement: We are baptized Disciples of Christ, responding in faith to the call of the Holy Spirit through the Gospel, unite together to share and live the word,administer the sacraments and c ... Read more

The Evangelical Lutheran Church of the Redeemer, began its ministry as ”The Little Stone Church” on Trinity Avenue in 1903, the 66th year of Atlanta’s existence. In 1937 the church m ... Read more
Now knowing about the best Lutheran Churches in Atlanta is not a task that would take hard work of you and of your kids. We at VirtuousReviews provides the list of Lutheran Churches you can reach easily and can make yours and your significant one’s dream reality.
Majority of Protestants follows the ideology and theology of Martin Luther, a German friar, philosopher, and reformer. Tracing back the history of Martin Luther, it takes us back in the 15th century, amid controversy with Pope X and other ideas of the church led Martin Luther to become a reformer. In America, there are two bodies Evangelical Lutheran Church in America (ELCA) and the Lutheran Church Missouri Synod (LCMS).
Hence, if you are considering marriage in Lutheran Church then you can heed the list where you will find the ratings, address, and phone numbers.
One perk that every church offer is to become a part of history. Like said history! Churches are actually centuries old and getting married in the same church as your great-grandparent kicked their life, is indeed fantasizing. Moreover, if you are fond of a church that is not as antique as others are then simply you can give your great grandchildren some wedding goals.
Mainly, churches are situated at the tempting location and that thus indeed another element to make your wedding remarkable, whether the location is uptown or downtown church has its own aesthetic value. They are serene and they are gigantic which is a cutting edge over any other venue. Moreover, at the churches, you can organize a grand wedding and can invite as many guests you want to witness the amazing event of your life.
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