Top Bansuri Lessons in Fremont

Popular Bansuri Lessons

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Bansuris are types of flutes in which, instead of blowing air from the top, you have to blow air from the side. Rest of the mechanics are very similar to a flute. A bansuri is closed from one end and few centimeters apart is the blow-hole, followed by 6 more holes to play 7 notes. Every bansuri has a set scale. To move to another scale, you’ll require another Bansuri.

A bansuri is made by using a special kind of bamboo, found 11,000 ft above the sea level, on the Himalayas. What makes those bamboos special, is the length between one node and another node, which is longer than rest. To play a bansuri, you have to blow air right inside the blowing orifice, and play the notes with both the hands. There are 6 holes to play 6 notes, and the 7th (root note) is the sound of just the blowing wind. There are a few basics of Western Music Theory, you may want to know about:-

Basic components of Western Music Theory

  • Pitch:- Pitch can be defined as how high or how low a note gets. It is directly proportional to the frequency of a sound. Pitch of a sound is very particular and it cannot be matched, even by a similar sound produced by a different equipment.
  • Scales:- Scales came out as patterns in music which sensibly completes a music circle. A musical scale is made up of notes with a certain pattern to follow. For example, there are major scales in music which follows “Root Note-Tone-Tone-Semitone-Tone-Tone-Tone-Semitone” pattern. The last note of which again comes out to be the root note. There are a lot of other scales in music.
  • Consonance and Dissonance:- Pick a note on any musical instrument. There are a number of consonance and dissonance for a note within its own scales. Consonant notes sound complete when played together. Dissonant notes give a feeling of incompleteness.
  • Chord:- Chords can be defined as notes in a scale, which when played together, create a sensible sound. It can only be consonant notes or a combination of consonant and dissonant notes. For example, to play a major chord in any scale, you need to pick the first, third and fifth note from that scale. Play the selected notes together. You have got your chord.