Company Description
Beginning with just two locations in 1998, Friendship now spans 12 campuses, including online, for students in grades Pre-K3 to 12. Our rigorous curriculum, exemplary instruction, resource-rich forums and total commitment to student advancement have made Friendship one of D.C.’s top charter systems.
Review & Rating
How awful you allow employees ( Brandon Baker) that teach children to wish death on all Trump Republicans. This was posted on his social media and sent to the Trump Republicans page. You deserve ZERO stars..
Excellent school with Awesome Teachers!!!!! My son loves the school.
You might want to check on the integrity of the people you hire to teach impressionable children.. Specifically Brandon Baker. Thought you might want to know that he says he is employed by your school.
Markeyter TheDelight Lewis-Campbell
Congratulations to Friendship Tech Prep Dance Teams. 15 1st Place Trophies this 2015-16 SY! Not bad for a first year team starting late September! Both the Junior and Varsity team are truly a group of talented and bright scholars. #wearedelight #sassyandbright
Hoping that the news gets wind of the this and does some investigating on this scumbag who says he works for you....
Amanda Thebestgrandma Watkins
This school is AWESOME I am so mad I move to Georgia and these school are bull crap. I will be coming back to DC and here is where my grandkids will be going. I live thus school.
Happiness is seeing tears in a returning parent eyes.The parent understand that removing her child from the school mid school year was not in the best interest of her child, now is able to enroll him for next school. The parent also know that her child will receive a WORLD CLASS education@Friendship Southeast Elementary Academy. We are not a perfect school but GREAT school.
I am extremely disappointed at the Principal at the at the Chamberlain campus, Morrise Harbour, in his unprofessional manner in how he manages or fails to manage his school. My son, a young African American male, idealistic and with energy to teach in an urban school quit the school after just 4 months! You would think that an African American Principal would want to mentor the only African American male teacher in that environment. Wrong. He placed my son in the lowest of the 3 third grade classes. Then when the special education co-teacher went on maternity leave, the principal did little provide a replacment, telling the new teacher (my son) to figure it out. It seems as if the principal had little hope for the classroom with a number of students with IEPs and a rookie teacher. Perhaps he saw the situation as plantation to warehouse black students as others think. Suffice it to say my son, no longer able to cope with a highly toxic environment, decided that it was best to move on. I counselled him, after pleading for him to stay for the sake of the students and to at least give the principal 2 weeks notice. Notwithstanding his good repore with the students and parents he just couldn't take it any more and wrote the 2 weeks notice. When the principal received the notice, he told him to leave at the end of that day. You would think that even if he was disappointed he would have at least used the 2 weeks to help the students in this mid year transition. Wrong again! This is indicative of his insensitivity and lack of concern about the students. On top of that as the principal refuses to fill out a necessary form required by another jurisdiction interested in hiring my son. There is no expectation that the reference is going to be positive, but the principals refusal to complete the form is just evidence of a vindictive spirit and a irresponsible, unprofessional overseer pretending to be a principal. Let the prospective parents beware.
This school has been lying to people saying an employee (Brandon Baker) who works there, does in fact not work there. This guy went online stating he hopes republicans and trump supporters die slowly...I have a recorded phone conversation of them lying about this man never being employed there. They even state he has never worked there. However there are several staff that are friends with him on Facebook...this school should be ashamed for lying in effort to protect this piece of trash.
An institution that supposedly educates and helps children should not employ such a vile human. Please refer to Brandon Bakers comments on hoe he wishes other humans to die a slow death. I emplore anyone with children at this facility to remove your child immediately and contact the schools administration. I for one, would not feel safe allowing my child to continue attending this school. I tried to call and was rudely brushed off. Apparently they are not taking this seriously and in todays world, we cannot afford to gamble eith our childrens lives. � and prayers to all.