United States Blood Bank

United States Blood Bank

(10 reviews)
#33 in Miami
Others Services
  • 2400 NW 95th Avenue, Miami, FL 33172-2348
Claim Listing

Company Description

The United States Blood Bank, Inc is dedicated to providing a reliable, economical, and high quality supply of the safest blood products in partnership with volunteer donors.

Review & Rating

Daimary Castillo
Daimary Castillo
2 days ago

I was bombarded just now by two older women to give blood. I simply said no and they gave attitude claiming that they are non-profit and the like. They volunteered that information which leads me to believe that they are a profit organization and were worried that that's why I didn't want to donate. DO NOT DONATE TO THIS BLOOD BANK.

Michael Lester
Michael Lester
2 days ago

Never a bad experience getting the blood I need!

Marlin Muller
Marlin Muller
2 days ago

This place was a pleasure to donate to. U.S. Blood Bank is class act and I look forward to donating to them regularly. Heart them a million stars.

Lily Rosich
Lily Rosich
2 days ago

My boyfriend and I were going to publix when a lady RUNS up to us exclaiming that a little 2 year old kid with leukemia needed "this much blood" ( puts thumb and index finger an inch apart) urgently. She even gave me the supposed child's name, so thinking this kid is like dying at the moment if I don't donate to the bus in the parking lot, we ran over. We gave our information really quick and they pricked our fingers to test blood (thinking they were figuring out our blood types to see if we match the kid) we were lead to the empty back room realizing we were just donating to a for profit blood bank. How are you allowed to con people like that?! I don't donate to blood banks because I know they sell my blood to hospitals. I WOULD HAVE NEVER DONATED! If it were possible to give a 0 star rating I would.

Carrie Ferro
Carrie Ferro
2 days ago

Its a shame seeing all of these people on here giving this place 1 star, getting upset and saying that they're frauds. All because they're so ignorant that they can't understand that the retrieving and processing part of it IS NOT FREE. The bus they're on needs gas and regular maintenance, the recruiter has to be paid, the phlebotomist has to be paid (What, you thought they were volunteers? THINK AGAIN!), the building where they have their lab in order to process the blood has staff that needs to be paid and thats not even counting overhead costs such as electricity and supplies such as the bag that the blood goes in. Without charging processing fees, do you think the money it takes to run a company just magically fills their bank account? NO! It doesnt! Wake up and learn how to do some research.. you're constantly on your phones as it is, so why not use Google for something worthwhile for once? Do yourselves a favor and find out the facts before you open your mouths to belittle a process that you know NOTHING about!!

Gaylord Fleming
Gaylord Fleming
2 days ago

I believe they mis lead me also butt I gave anyways hoping it could help see ave a life they said it was to save babies

Mark Juengling
Mark Juengling
2 days ago

I have been donating blood here for many years. I find it relieving to be treated with such professionalism and courtesy during my visits. All of the staff makes it a point to greet me and thank me for my donation. Having a bilingual phlebotomist/screener is also a big +.

Temmy Bailey
Temmy Bailey
2 days ago

I don't mind donating every chance I get because My wife who has cancer now need to get a transplant done to help save lives I will support to my wife.

Thomas Doussan
Thomas Doussan
2 days ago

I have never felt more comfortable or at ease donating blood. Very professional and friendly environment made for an enjoyable and fulfilling experience. Highly Recommended!

cristina grille
cristina grille
2 days ago

The bus looked like it needed to be hosed down. That's how bad it looked. I was really skeptical since I got on the bus and I told them. They assured assured me that everything they use to draw the blood was sterilized. The process was quick and I was out of there in about 15 minutes. I decided to Google them now after about three weeks after the donation, and to my surprise, the blood they draw is sold to hospitals. Scam to the highest. I wanted to save a life not have someone profit from me. Very disappointed at knowing that someone has a business of basically trafficking blood. God will bless my actions. Not sure what will happen with their conscious.....Am good either way. By the way, unless you post one star I couldn't post the message. Another trick to get a rating which should really be minus 2 stars. I will never be donate with them again. I will keep donating with ONE BLOOD which are the best; CLEAN, COMPASIONATE, THOROUGHT and my blood goes directly to someone that needs it.

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